10 Mistakes to Avoid on Your Blog This 2018

10 Mistakes to Avoid on Your Blog This 2018

Business blog can also play a big and important part in any possible marketing activities of your business, big or small. But just like in any other forms of advertising or marketing, your blog also needs to be carefully planned, measured and targeted for it to become really effective.

Consequently, the main phase in making your own successful blog for your business happens even before its launching or during your planning on how to make and use your weblog including who you want to target and your goal.

Moreover, the following below are the 10 mistakes that you need to avoid doing on your blog especially when your niche is about Online School Management System like https://school.serapina.com/

Thinking of too much ideas

If you will be having your own blog, many random ideas will really come in to your mind. However, you need to make sure that the ideas that you will be using are not random. Remember, not all of the ideas that you might be thinking will be good for your business blog and company.

Not directing your readers to your blog’s landing page

Your landing page will serve as an introduction to your business and why you came up of it, so make sure first to lead your readers in that area before putting them to your products sections. Otherwise, you will just sweep them away instead of encouraging them to buy or try what you are offering.

Too much effort and time on writing

Well, it is really important that you have good and encouraging posts to your blog, but don’t spend too much effort and time on writing. As much as possible, spend more of it in scattering or sharing your business blog to other people through social media sites and emails.

Long process for signing up

If your blog requires signing up for the potential buyers or customers to have an update about your business, then make sure that the process is not that long. Because if not, people will have a right time for just signing up and will just tend to look for other company.

Boring and long posts

Obviously, almost all of the people don’t spend time in reading long and boring posts. So make sure to just keep your every article short and at the same time captivating.

Posting everyday

Believe it or not, many people easily lose interest and unsubscribe to a blog that always have new update or posts every single day. So if possible, only post 1 to 2 times a week.

Focusing only on your business

Many business blog owners like rattan handicrafts in Legazpi City like Alesha Handicrafts are only focusing too much on the growth of their business and forget how precious their customers are. So in your blog, don’t focus too much on your own, instead think of how you can serve and satisfy them

Copying content

Not only Google hates plagiarism but people also. It is not bad to get ideas from other companies, but make sure to not copy it just for you to have another update. A professional hotel web development services Legazpi City like CollabUX Web Solutions, Co., can help you with this.

Forgetting your subscribers

You probably want to have new visitors or subscribers to your business blog every single day, right? Well, it is good but don’t forget about the subscribers that you already have. They are definitely the one who really loves your product and service, so never forget them.

Ignoring the use of images and videos

Although it is obvious how helpful the images and videos in attracting customers, many bloggers are ignoring it. So being the owner of your blog, make sure to add related images and videos in it.


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